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How to Make Dinner Easy

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Dinner should be an easy and fun time for the family to enjoy great food together. Make weeknight dinners easier and more delicious with these 5 simple tips.

family eating dinner with text overlay of post title

Dinner time should be an easy and joyful time for families to connect and enjoy a great meal.

But often dinner tends to be a rushed and exhausting experience that everyone just wants to be over as quickly as possible.

The kids and parents are both tired from long days, the schedule is cramped thanks to homework and after school activities, and everyone is hungry!

meal planning book image with text overlay of post title
How to make easy meal plans
Meal planning tends to get a bad rap for being boring, tedious, stressful and time consuming. But… (and don’t shoot hte messenger, here)… that really only happens if you aren’t doing it right.
Spending a small amount of time planning can seriously lessen the stress and craziness of the average weekday, reduce the amount of trips you take to the grocery store, and simplify things whenever your kids mention they are hungry.
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How to keep kids busy so you can cook
Sometimes it seems impossible to get dinner on the table with young children at home. Planning special activities for the
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How to cook and bake with your kids
There is nothing cuter and more beneficial than children cooking. Being able to teach your children independence, life skills, and have special time with them is so important. These easy tips will show you how to cook & bake with your kids without loosing your mind. AND once they know how to do it, it actually does help you get dinner on the table easier!
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one meal for the whole family graphic with text overlay of post title
How to cook one meal for your family
Learn how to make one meal for the whole family to enjoy – from baby and toddler to adult! Enjoying a meal together as a family is an important part of your day – and learning how to cook one meal that satisfies everyone makes life easier, quicker, and cheaper. No more being a short order chef for you!
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How to explore the sense of taste with your kids
Once you actualy get dinner made and on the table, its time to sit down to eat! Frustrated that your children don’t eat better? Worried that your kids are headed down the road to becoming picky eaters? Learn how to explore the sense of taste with kids, and how it can impact your family dinners and improve your meal times!
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photo of kid cutting vegetables with text overlay of post title
Dinner table conversation starters
Dinner table conversations with kids can be enjoyable and relaxing! No really, they can be!
Weeknight meals don’t have to feel like an exhausting event – they can be used to reconnect and refuel after a long day. Read on for simple ways to connect with your kids in effortless ways!
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graphic image with images of foodie family passport kits and the words "explore a world of food with your kids" and a button that says "learn more"

Looking for more ways to simply dinner? Try these ideas:


  1. Liz @ I Heart Vegetables says:

    I’ve been trying to get better at meal planning because I find that I waste less groceries that way! These are good tips!

  2. Meal planning tips are so much sought after these days. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Allison - Celebrating Sweets says:

    Meal planning is the key to keeping myself sane. It helps SO much!

  4. Luckily I’m not feeling the weeknight chaos just yet, since I’m currently childless. But that should change in a few years, so I should probably bookmark this for later, haha 😉

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